Ranjan Thilagarajah
NHS Posts
Consultant Lead in Urological Surgery, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust, Chelmsford, Essex (2003-2012)
Honorary Consultant, The Royal Marsden Hospital, Chelsea, London
Honorary Consultant, Whipp’s Cross University Hospital, London
Special Clinical Interests
GreenLight laser prostatectomy
Bladder Dysfunction including Painful Bladder Disease
Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Stone disease
Professional Bodies
General Medical Council (GMC)
Medical Defence Union (MDU)
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England: FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Urol)
Professional Profile
Medical degree from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, University of London.
North Thames Urology Training Rotation.
Laparoscopic fellowship in Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia.
Master of Surgery, Imperial College, London
Clinical Lead of the Research Network for Essex and Hertfordshire.
Professional Experience
Born in Greenwich, London, Mr Ranjan Thilagarajah trained at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, London and qualified in 1990 with the MBBS Degree. After gaining a wide general surgical experience, he achieved the FRCS (Eng) qualification in 1995. Mr Thilagarajah then studied for his Master of Surgery (MS) at Imperial College School of Medicine, St. Mary’s Hospital, London, looking at the causes, diagnosis and treatment of painful Bladder Disease and Interstitial Cystitis (IC). He achieved recognition on the Specialist Register for Urology (CCST), the FRCS (Urol), in 2001.
He was then invited to spend a year as Urology Fellow at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to continue his training as a laparoscopic urological surgeon. He returned to his post at the Institute of Urology, London as senior trainee of the Stone Unit and gained further experience in complex stone surgery. Mr Thilagarajah was subsequently appointed as consultant urological surgeon at Mid Essex Health Trust, Chelmsford, where he continues to work today as the Urology Lead Clinician.
In 2008, Mr Thilagarajah was appointed Clinical Lead of the Da Vinci Robot Surgery Service at Mid Essex Health Trust covering a number of specialities. His main subspecialty is kidney and stone surgery including robotic pyeloplasty and partial nephrectomy. He is a Faculty Member of the EAU Robotic Urology Section Congress and is also a GreenLight laser Trainer for consultants, both nationally and internationally, performing a large number of these operations in both the NHS and private sector.
Outside of work, Ranjan enjoys winter sports, travel and rallying in very old cars

Giulio Garaffa
MD FRCS (ad eundem)
Current NHS Posts
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Mid Essex Hospital MHS Trust, Chelmsford, Essex and Whipps Cross University Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust Honorary Lecturer at the University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Special Clinical Interests
General Urology, Andrology, Male Factor Infertility, Urethral Surgery, Urogenital Reconstruction and Microsurgery
Professional Bodies
General Medical Council (GMC)
Medical Defence Unit (MDU)
Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of England: FRCS (Eng) FRCS (ad eundem)
Professional Profile
Medical Degree with honours at the University of Trieste, Italy
Urology Training at the University of Trieste, Italy
Fellowship in Andrology, Male Factor Infertility, Sex Reassignment Surgery, Microsurgery and Urogenital Reconstruction at the Institute of Urology, University College London Hospitals
Member of the Surgical Committee of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM)
Member of the Educational Committee of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM)
Honorary Lecturer at the Master of Andrology at the University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Professional Experience
After completing the Medical School and the Urology training with honours, Mr Garaffa has been a Fellow in Andrology and Reconstruction for 4 years at the Institute of Urology, London, where he has gained a vast experience in all fields of Andrology and reconstruction of the male genitalia and urethra including sex reassignment surgery.
His main interests are erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, male factor infertility, benign and malignant conditions of the male genitalia and urethra, microsurgery, total penile reconstruction, gender reassignment surgery, male incontinence and urethral reconstruction.
He is an active member of the surgical and educational committee of the European and International Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM/ ISSM), is regularly invited to give lectures and presentations, to perform live surgery in international conferences and teaches on International Masters of Andrology.
He has published more than 70 papers and chapters on Peyronie’s Disease, Erectile dysfunction, gender reassignment surgery and complex uro-andrological reconstruction and he runs educational courses in these fields.
In April 2011 he is has been appointed as Consultant Urological Surgeon at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex where he has developed the service of Andrology and Reconstruction. Since June 2012 he also runs a service of Andrology and Reconstruction at Whipps Cross Hospital, London.
In 2012, he has set up an International Clinical Fellowship Programme at Mid Essex Health Trust to teach penile prosthesis implantation, Peyronie’s disease surgery and complex uro-andrological reconstruction and to further research in this field.
He is a very keen sportsman and he has run a half marathon twice. In his free time he also enjoys travelling and reading history books.

Kevin Kiff
Current NHS Posts
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust, Chelmsford, Essex
Special Clinical Interests
Anaesthesia for Urological, Orthopaedic and ENT surgery
Adult Intensive Care medicine
Professional Bodies
General Medical Council (GMC)
Medical Protection Society (MPS)
Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA)
Fellow of the Royal College of Medicine, Edinburgh (FRCP, Edin)
Intensive Care Society (ICS)
Association of Anaesthetists (AAGBI)
Professional Profile
Medical degree: The London Hospital Medical College ( MBBS, 1986)
North East Thames Anaesthetic and Intensive Care Medicine training programmes
Director, Intensive Care Unit, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford
Professional Experience
Born in Somerset, Dr Kiff gained a sport scholarship to Millfield School before attending the London Hospital Medical College. After graduation in 1986, he began the joint training scheme in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine in North East Thames. He was successful in the MRCP and FRCA examinations at the first attempt. He was awarded FRCP in 2003.
At Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children he researched the profile of respiratory failure for children on the PICU and the effects of High frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV). As a Senior Registrar, he was awarded research grants from the Intensive Care Society and was jointly awarded the Elizabeth Wherry prize from the BMA for other aspects of his research.
Dr Kiff was appointed to the Specialist register in 1996, and appointed as Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Broomfield Hospital shortly thereafter. Since taking up this post he has continued to develop his interests in regional and general anaesthesia and all aspects of Intensive Care Medicine. He is currently Director of the Broomfield ICU and Clinical Director for Service Transformation. He was presented with the maximum local Clinical Excellence Award (Bronze) in 2010. Together with Dr Cath Spoors, he was Senior Editor for the Textbook ‘Training in Anaesthesia’ published by Oxford University Press (2010), now used as a reference text for those about to take their Royal College examinations.
As chair of the Mid Essex Resuscitation Committee he has forged links with community care and promoted national standards of resuscitation performance. He has developed the MEHT Patient at Risk scheme (PAR) where in-patient deterioration is appreciated early, leading to better patient outcome. He is Local Educational supervisor for ICM and sits on the Eastern Region ICM specialist Training committee.

Zoe Clark
Current NHS Posts
Specialist Musculoskeletal & Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Springfield Hospital (2018-2021). Specialist Musculoskeletal & Women’s Health Physiotherapist, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (2014-2018).
Special Clinical Interests
Bladder & bowel continence management, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain conditions, pre & post-natal physiotherapy. Male urinary tract symptom management including pre/post prostatectomy.
Professional Bodies
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Professional Profile
Msc Physiotherapy (pre-reg)
BSc (Hons) Human Physiology
Professional Experience
Zoe qualified in 2007 from the University of Essex and completed core junior rotations within the NHS. She has since gained experience in other NHS trusts, private hospitals, private clinic work and has practiced abroad in France.
Since returning to the UK, Zoe developed her skills and completed her urinary dysfunction & lower bowel dysfunction assessment and management courses with the Pelvic obstetric & gynecological physiotherapy (POGP) and utilised these skills managing the pelvic health clinic in her NHS locality in the south-west of England.
Zoe’s extensive experience in musculoskeletal physiotherapy compliments her pelvic health work and helps facilitate holistic and evidence-based assessment and treatment.

Mr Paul Fiadjoe
Current NHS Posts
Consultant Urogyanecologist, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford.
Special Clinical Interests
Urogynaecology, Female Urinary Incontinence, Urodynamics, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Pelvic Pain conditions, General Gynaecology, Vaginal Prolapse, Laparoscopic Surgery, Hysteroscopy
Professional Profile
Urogynaecology training in the UK and a Fellowship in Urogynaecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery from Australia.
Research interest in lower urinary tract disorders and new pelvic floor reconstructive surgical techniques. Reviewer for many scientific journals.
Professional Experience
Mr Fiadjoe’s practice covers all aspects of gynaecology. He has specialist clinics in Urogynaecology and treats a large number of women each year with prolapse, urinary incontinence and other bladder problems including pain or recurrent cystitis.
As he is both a Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist he can see women who have both gynaecological problems and bladder symptoms, which is really useful as often these can occur at the same time. Mr Fiadjoe also has an interest in modern treatments for heavy periods and pelvic pain, which can often be performed in a day case setting. He has expertise in the laparoscopic (key hole) treatment of endometriosis.
In 2010 he joined the Mid-Essex Hospitals NHS Trust as a Consultant Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist from Worcester Royal Hospital.

David Rickards
Current NHS Posts
Consultant Uroradiologist, University College Hospitals London
Special Clinical Interests
Interventional uroradiology
Prostate imaging
Professional Bodies
General Medical Council (GMC)
Medical Defence Union (MDU)
Fellow Royal College of Radiologists UK
Honorary Fellow Pakistan Radiology Society
Professional Profile
Medical degree from St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
Radiology degree Faculty of Radiologists, South Africa
Radiology Degree, Royal College, London
Professional Experience
Born in Wolverhampton, trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London and qualified in 1972. After junior posts in medicine and surgery in Wolverhampton, Manchester and Winchester, embarked on a career in Radiology at the University of Natal, South Africa. Became a fellow by examination of the Faculty of Radiologists, South Africa.
Returned to the UK to be a lecturer in Radiology at the University of Manchester and 2 years later became a senior lecturer in the same department whilst doing clinical work at the Whithington and Christie Hospitals in Manchester.
Dr Rickards then took up his consultant post and the Middlesex Hospital in London responsible for uroradiology and introducing prostatic ultrasound and interventional techniques. He has remained in the same post for 25 years although the Middlesex has been amalgamated with University College Hospital.
Register for Urology, the FRCS (Urol), in 2001.He is the author of several books on uroradiological topics and many peer-reviewed papers.
Dr Rickards has been on the Council of the British Association of Urologists for the past 8 years and is a past medical director within UCLH.’

Jane Watkins
Current NHS Posts
Senior Specialist Practitioner in Urology, Springfield Hospital
Honorary Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, Essex
Special Clinical Interests
Bladder Dysfunction and Female Urology
Painful Bladder Syndrome related conditions
Professional Bodies
Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
British Association of Urology Nurses (BAUN)
Professional Profile
MSc Clinical Research, University of Hertfordshire
Chemotherapy Nurse, Southend Hospital
Clinical Trials Nurse, Guy’s Hospital, London
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) holder
Neurosciences Unit, Oldchurch Hospital
Professional Experience
Jane has 15 years experience working as a Registered Nurse in London. As a Clinical Trials Nurse, she has worked on commercially sponsored trials at phase 2, 3 and 4 of development in transplantation and dialysis. In transplantation, this has led to the successful use of sirolimus in our unit as an alternative immunomodulator for patients receiving a kidney transplant. In dialysis she was part of the successful phase 3 study leading to the granting of marketing authority of Aranesp® and Micera®. Jane has worked on collaborative studies to examine bone health in dialysis versus non dialysing patients with osteopenia and has previously worked across renal and urology at Guy’s Hospital, London. In her role as Clinical Trials Nurse, she has been involved in 30 + studies at Guy’s Hospital.
She has collaborated with colleagues to set up run investigator led studies in steroid withdrawal in patients after their renal transplant, which has now been implemented as the protocol to follow for all patients wishing to remove steroids from their routine regimen of medicines.
Jane has been involved in the busy Botox service for patients with proven overactive bladder of unknown cause (iOAB), sensory urgency bladder dysfunction and latterly of neurogenic origin (nOAB). This service is not commonly seen nationally so attracts attention from a large audience of surgeons and specialist nurses on sponsored training days. This ongoing involvement is due to my successful involvement in a global trial of botulinum toxin A at phase two of development where we were the biggest recruiters for this study in Europe.
Jane has assisted in the preparation of Regulatory documents for clinical trials and investigator led studies for colleagues of all disciplines where assistance has provided a swift and efficient access to the Trust research and development department, the Joint Clinical Trials office and Ethics committees locally.

Victor Mendis
Current NHS Posts
Consultant in Anaesthesia & Pain Management, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust, Chelmsford, Essex
Special Clinical Interests
Chronic Back and Neck Pain
Professional Bodies
Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA)
Fellow of the College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (FCARCSI)
Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists (FFPMRCA)
General Medical Council (GMC)
Medical Defence Union (MDU)
Professional Profile
Medical Degree Vinnitsa Medical Academy in Ukraine
MD in Anaesthesia from University Hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST), St Barts & London
Professional Experience
Dr Mendis graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Academy in Ukraine in 1990 and then spent time working in The University Hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka before obtaining an MD in Anaesthesia in 1998. He came over to the UK in 1999 and trained at the Barts and the London Hospitals and obtained the Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training(CCST) in 2005. During this time he underwent advanced training in Pain Medicine and completed a Fellowship in Pain Medicine.
He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists(FRCA) and a Fellow of the College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (FCARCSI)in 2001. He was also admitted as a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists (FFPMRCA) in 2008.
He is a member of the British Pain Society, International Neuromodulation Society, London Pain Forum, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, founder member of the Faculty of Specialist for NAPP pharmaceuticals, and sit on various International Advisory Boards for Pain Medicine.
Dr Mendis has developed an interest in managing patients with Chronic Back and Neck pain and has been trained in the UK and abroad to perform various interventional procedures. Since 2004, he has been presenting original lectures on a wide variety of related topics and has given press interviews to local and international media as part of local and International awareness campaigns on Chronic Low Back pain. He has been a Guest Speaker at many International scientific meetings and conducted cadaver workshops for trainees in the UK and abroad.

Michelle Harland
BSc (Hons) Radiography (Diagnostic)
Current Post
Senior MRI Radiographer
Special Clinical Interests
Diagnostic Radiography
Professional Bodies
The Healthcare and Professions Council (HCPC)
The Society of Radiographers (SoR)
Professional Profile
BSc (Hons) Radiography (Diagnostic)
The College of Radiographers – Certificate of competence in administering intravenous injections
MRI Safety Training – Senior MR Physicist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
The Radiological Protection Centre, radiation protection course – St Georges healthcare NHS trust
Professional Experience
Michelle has over 20 years experience as a Diagnostic Radiographer. She qualified with a 2:1 BSc Diagnostic Radiography in 2002 from the University of Hertfordshire, and has since worked within both the NHS and private healthcare settings in London and Essex.
Michelle enjoys working as part of a multi disciplinary team and has worked in many areas of the Radiology Department including MRI on both static and mobile scanner units working with Siemens, GE and Philips 1.5T scanners and providing X-Ray within Theatre, A&E, outpatient clinics, fluoroscopy and mobiles. She also played a key role in the successful implementation of a multi modality imaging service at The Chelmsford medical centre.
Over the last 10 years Michelle has become an experienced Senior MRI Radiographer working with Alliance Medical, Nuffield and Ramsay hospitals within the South East.
This is an area of particular interest as Michelle has found she can utilise her skills and expertise to deliver exceptional patient safety and care. She has also found many areas of interest within MRI which have supported her commitment to staying updated with the latest techniques and software capabilities within this area of Radiography and enjoys regularly attending CPD lectures to support her learning and professional development.