GreenLight XPS


The TURP operation was the previous standard for relieving the symptoms due to benign prostate enlargement. As a result of side effects and the costs, other minimally invasive techniques have been sought, however, many of these have been abandoned due to complications and ineffectiveness.

The Greenlight XPS system addresses these problems using a high powered KTP-YAG laser to core out the prostate by vaporising the centre of the gland, leaving a wide channel and so relieving your urinary symptoms.

The main advantages are as follows:

  • The operation can be carried out as a day case procedure
  • The catheter tube is removed within 24 hours of surgery. Some patients may not require a catheter at all
  • Due to red absorption of the laser, bleeding is practically zero.
  • Long term results appear to be favorable and seem similar to those of routine TURP

Consent and Risks

Please ensure that you understand what the surgery entails and possible side effects before you sign the consent form:

Bleeding – unlike TURP, this is rare. Likewise, transfusion is not necessary with this procedure.

Effects on your sex life – 25% of men experience retrograde ejaculation resulting in a ‘dry’ orgasm. The figure for TURP remains around 90%. If it occurs, it is unlikely that you could father children, but you cannot rely on this as a method of contraception. Some men report a change in sensation of orgasm.

Impaired erection – Unreported with GreenLight XPS, but remains a theoretical risk

Urinary control – 7% of men experience mild discomfort of the urethra (waterpipe) immediately after the operation. This usually last for only a few hours while you are in the recovery room. Inability to pass urine after the operation can occur in up to 5% of patients. This may require a short period of further catheterisation before you have to reattend for removal of the catheter as an out-patient.

Need for re-operation – about 1 in 10 men who have a routine TURP will require another within a 10-year period due to the prostate regrowing. As this is a relatively new procedure, the long term outcomes are based on small numbers of patients. 2-5 year data from the Mayo Clinic, U.S. appears favourable and equivocal to TURP.

As with any operation, other surgical complications can occur. These include infections, heart problems or deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs). The risks of these will be discussed at the pre-assessment visit.