
Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) involves “coring out” the prostate to create a wide channel through the prostate to enable you to pass urine more freely. Over the years, TURP has assumed the position of the gold standard treatment for bladder outflow obstruction due to prostatic enlargement.

Transurethral Resection in Saline (TURiS) is used to perform a TURP using an electric loop to form a high-powered plasma energy that can resect the prostate tissue creating a cavity within the gland. The use of saline for this operation negates the risks of fluid absorption that can occur when using glycine fluid during a standard TURP procedure

How is the TURiS TURP performed

The patient is admitted on the day of surgery to the hospital and will be advised not to eat or drink for several hours prior to surgery to enable safe anaesthesia. The operation takes approximately 45 minutes, but you will stay in the theatre recovery area until you are awake.

When you wake from the anaesthetic, you will have a drip running into your arm or hand to prevent dehydration. You will be given a drink when your nurse feels you are ready and able to tolerate it. You should be able to eat a light meal soon after.

A catheter (a tube running down the waterpipe into the bladder) is inserted following TURP as some patients experience discomfort in the water pipe initially. Similar to a routine TURP, the bladder is irrigated overnight to ensure that all debris are washed out and to prevent clots forming within the bladder and prostate cavity. Assuming all is well the following day, you will go home with the catheter and a Flip-Flow valve which enables you to empty the bladder when necessary. You will attend a few days later for a Trial Without Catheter (TWOC) and if this is successful, you can head home to continue your recovery.

Post-operation advice

You will not be able to drive for a week after the operation as this may put pressure on your pelvic floor, which can cause bleeding. You are also advised to not lift anything heavy or strain for a further fortnight. This includes activities such as golf and gardening. You may recommence sexual activity when you feel fit. If you do ejaculate, there may be discoloration of the semen for some weeks. This is normal and soon settles. Avoid becoming constipated as straining may lead to bleeding from your prostate cavity.

You may return to work when you feel fit which may be between 10-14 days. A health certificate can be supplied on request.

Follow Up

You are usually seen in the outpatients clinic at six weeks after the operation. At this visit, you may be asked to perform a urinary flow rate and complete a symptom questionnaire as part of your post-operative assessment. Any tissue taken at the time of the operation will have been sent for examination and the results of this pathology report will be discussed with you in the clinic.